Blog #3
Dear Miss Wendy,
I just read your advice on having a charming wedding, which made me sick. No matter how hard I try to meet someone in New York, I come up with nothing. I am so tired of hearing my mother say, “So?”
Lonely Hearts Club
Dear Lonely,
There is no secret to meeting someone special. The key is figuring out who you are and what you like to do and then going to places where other souls who are like you and like to do what you want to do tend to congregate. Romance follows the same set of rules that are used to select fishing lures. Here is a quote from “Many fishing lures are made in bright, almost obnoxious colors, while others are muted and more natural. Again, making the right choice is largely based on the type of fish you are trying to catch and the fishing conditions.”
If you do this often enough, you should finally meet someone you like. And don’t discount yentas. Many older women love to set people up, so if you spend time singing in a church choir or helping Bette Midler clean up Central Park, you are not necessarily wasting your time.
Ruminations on How to Meet People in New York:
One of the best ways to meet someone nice in New York (or anywhere) is to do volunteer work where you get your hands dirty. People who do that type of volunteer work aren’t selfish. You won’t meet anyone when you are nicely dressed and handing out name tags at a formal charity event. It’s New York. If you dawdle, you will be arrested by the line police. But if you’re building houses for an organization like Habitat for Humanity, you will get to know everyone else who is working with your crew. There is nothing like saying, “Please pass the claw hammer,” to break the ice.
Here’s one for which I must credit my son – the laundromat. You can’t leave because someone will steal your clothes. You can’t be bitchy because you are stuck with the same people for two hours. And no one wears any underwear.